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May 1st, 2024

Pamela Dawson

Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. Pamela DawsonPamela Dawson has twenty years of experience working in the school system. She started as a paraprofessional for seventeen years and has transitioned as a teacher for the last three years. In 2018, she received her bachelor's degree in early childhood education. In the summer, she will pursue her master's at Southern University, majoring in the Art in Teaching.

Pamela's passion for education started at a young age, working in daycare centers. Her teaching philosophy is centered around the idea that every student can succeed with the right support and guidance.

As a teacher, she encourages critical thinking and problem-solving and she aims to provide a variety of learning opportunities to cater to different learning styles.

Pamela specializes in helping her students achieve their learning goals. She assists other co-workers with their classroom and providing them with materials for their students. 

Pamela is a great teacher and uses her positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage others to work hard and succeed.

Pamela is inspired by her husband, Perry, and her seven children (six girls and one boy). In her free time, she enjoys traveling, riding bikes, playing volleyball, and spending quality time with her grandchildren.

Congratulations to Mrs. Dawson, BHES Teacher of the Year, 2023-2024.