The City of Baker School District is pleased to report that all of its schools have a well-equipped Title I, Part A Parent Resource Center. The Parent Resource Center is funded by Title I for the purpose of providing resources for parents to use to assist them in their children's education. A binder inclusive of various websites is located in each center. The computers and printer meet the parents' needs in accessing and printing information from the various websites. The Parent Resource Centers are open during school hours. Parents are encouraged to use the centers as often as possible. Parents are reminded to sign-in each time they visit a center.

Parents’ Right-To-Know Provisions

As a parent or guardian of a child attending a school receiving Title I Part A funds, the parent has the right to know the professional qualifications of his/her child’s teacher(s). The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act states that parents have the right to request and receive timely information on the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher(s) and paraprofessional(s). If a child’s teacher is not highly qualified (not certified in the area in which he or she is teaching), the parent should receive written notification.

Parent Guides & Other Resources From The Louisiana Department Of Education

Parent's Guide To Internet  Safety