City of Baker School District


Our district strategic plan is comprised of the vision, mission, values, strategic directions and goals for the City of Baker School District. Our strategic plan is a dynamic, active document that guides decision-making at all levels. The goals of the Strategic Plan are the focus and driving force of the district with all other plans, resources, programs and initiatives affecting the plan year.

Input into the district strategic plan includes analysis of student, school and district performance, requirements of state and federal legislation, content from the state strategic plan and recommendations from district and school staff, focus groups, partners, stakeholders, research, as well as our input as School Board Members.

This district strategic plan is for all of us as it is designed to bring together the most important efforts that define our success. Our intent is that everyone in the district understands the strategic plan, finds their role in the plan and works to accomplish the goals of the plan in order to achieve our vision.

2024-2029 Strategic Plan