OTT logo graphic

Students in Grades 5-8 can utilize the Online Tools Training (OTT) available at the following link in preparation for the upcoming LEAP computer-based state assessments.

Go to Online Training Tools

Please use chrome browser when accessing this link.

These tools provide an opportunity for students in grades 5-8 to become familiar with the online testing tools (e.g., highlighter, magnification, etc.).

In addition, the Online Tools Training:

  • may be reviewed as many times as desired;
  • is not to be considered representative of an actual test;
  • is available for by grade span for both mathematics and ELA.

EOC Online Test Tools Video Tutorials

using the Chrome Browser

The Online Test Tools  provides educators and students a voice over of all tools and features in the assessment platform. After viewing the videos, practice using the Online Test Tools in the DRC App on your device before actually testing.


As schools and students begin their final preparations for the spring Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) tests, the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) created this fact sheet to provide parents with general information about the tests, and what you and your child can expect when he or she takes the tests in April and May.

Parent guide to the 2025 LEAP tests

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Teachers may access the online practice tests in Google Chrome by using the LEAP 2025 Practice Test Teacher Access link.

View online practice tests