Graphic of JCampas Parent APP

A vital step in helping your children achieve more is staying informed about their progress at school. One way to achieve this is for schools to tell you how your kids are doing. Now, we can take that idea one step forward and provide you with the means, through technology, to monitor your child’s progress around the clock. The Student Progress Center is available to all parents and guardians of our school district. When parents and teachers work together as partners, learning becomes easier for the kids.

One of the primary goals of The City of Baker School System is keeping our parents involved in their students’ progress. We are aware that in order for parents to be involved, they must first be informed. With the addition of the Student Progress Center aka Parent Command Center to our web site, we are able to competently meet that challenge of keeping parents abreast. 

The Student Progress Center affords parents, with access to any computer, the opportunity to monitor progress in each subject taken by their student. The areas that can be monitored on a daily basis include:

  • Homework assignments
  • Student attendance
  • Discipline referrals
  • Grades, both test and homework
  • Transcripts

The Student Progress Center is so current that parents are often made aware of grades, discipline, etc. before the students are. Additionally, teachers may enter grades in the system prior to giving assignments back to the students allowing parents using the Progress Center to become aware of the grade, in some cases, before the student.

As a complement to the Student Progress Center, The Baker School System operates the JCALL system. JCALL utilizes the telephone systems allowing parents who do not have access to a computer the ability to remain informed. All parents with a phone are automatically included in this program. There are several unique features to this system which make it infinitely more effective than previous phone systems.

Among JCALL’s features are:

  • The ability to call cell phones as well as traditional phones
  • The ability to e-mail information to the parents
  • The ability to quickly notify all parents regarding information of interest to the entire school population such as dates, report cards and progress reports will be issued, the dates of high stakes testing, etc.

Additionally, JCALL informs parents regarding:

  • Absences
  • Assignments on which the student receives a grade lower than a C
  • Discipline infractions
  • Upcoming assignments

The addition of the Student Progress Center and JCALL to The City of Baker School System web site has improved parental involvement. We hear daily from parents expressing gratitude for the program. Additionally, we have seen an increase in student concern over grades, because our students know that parents are availing themselves to the program.

To register for Student Progress Center download and follow the instructions in the document below.