FILE:  H-4.2

Cf:  H-2.1, H-2.1a





The City of Baker School Board shall not permit a school or grade to be dismissed before the regular hour for dismissal except with the approval of the office of the Superintendent.  No teacher or school staff member may permit any individual student to leave school prior to the regular hour of dismissal except by permission of the principal.


No student may be permitted to leave school prior to the dismissal hour at the request of or in the company of anyone other than a school employee, police officer, court official, parent, or legal guardian of the child, unless the permission of the parent or legal guardian has been first secured. If any police or court official requests the dismissal of a student during school hours, parents or legal guardian should be notified as soon as possible.


A child shall only be released to the parent awarded legal custody of the child if the parents are divorced or legally separated.  A child shall be released to a noncustodial parent only if there is written permission for doing so signed by the custodial parent on file with the school office.


No student will be released from school early on the basis of a phone call which has not been validated.  No student shall be permitted to check himself out of school, unless legally emancipated.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 17:221, 17:226, 17:232


City of Baker School Board