FILE:  G-4

Cf:  G-4.1






The City of Baker School Board shall be committed to providing for each of its schools a program of student activities that enhance student interest, participation and growth.  All programs, co-curricular or extracurricular, shall be open to participation by all interested students who meet the qualifications of respective activities as determined by the school, the national sponsoring organization, and/or the Louisiana High School Athletic Association with unbiased treatment of race, religions, sex, roles, ethnic origins, or political beliefs.  Appropriate applications of Title IX shall be followed without exception.  The principal of each school in the City of Baker School System shall determine which activities are appropriate following guidelines established by the School Board.


No student shall be allowed to participate in any event on the day or night while the student is suspended from school or absent without a legitimate excuse as determined by the principal or his/her designee.


All work missed by students while participating in student activities shall be made up and completed in a manner that would be required of any other students in order to receive credit.




Co-curricular activities are activities that are relevant, supportive, that are an integral part of the program of studies in which the student is enrolled, and that are under the supervision and/or coordination of the school instructional staff.


Guidelines of Co-curricular Activities


Since co-curricular activities must be related to regular academic studies, subject matter clubs, honor clubs based on academic performance, publication staffs, and music groups are examples of these activities.  The existence of a co-curricular activity is predicated on student interest, financial resources, parental authorization for participation, and availability of a faculty sponsor.  Co-curricular activities may take place during the instructional day with authorization from the principal.  The following regulations apply to co-curricular activities.


  1. Each club shall have a constitution.

  2. Each participant or member shall meet all eligibility requirements as defined by the constitution.

  3. Student interest level must be adequate for a club to organize.

  4. A prepared agenda shall be in place for each club meeting.

  5. Meetings during the instructional day shall have limited infringement on instructional time.  Clubs meeting during school time shall be approved by the principal.

  6. Club activities shall have limited infringement on sponsor's time.

  7. Parental authorization shall be necessary for student participation.

  8. All clubs must have a school employee as a sponsor.  The sponsor shall be required to attend all club meetings.




Extracurricular activities are those activities which are not directly related to the program of studies, which are under the supervision and/or coordination of the school instructional staff, and which are considered valuable for the overall development of the student.


Notwithstanding any policy, rule, or regulation adopted by the School Board to the contrary, no student otherwise eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity, including interscholastic athletics, shall be limited in the number of such activities in which the student may participate in a school year.


Guidelines of Extracurricular Activities


Since extracurricular activities are unrelated to regular academic studies, athletics, service clubs, and student interest clubs are examples of these activities.  The existence of an extracurricular activity is predicated on student interest, financial resources, parental authorization for participation, and availability of a faculty sponsor.  Extracurricular activities shall take place outside the instructional day.


The following regulations apply to extracurricular activities.


  1. Each club (excluding athletics) shall have a constitution.

  2. Each participant or member shall meet all eligibility requirements as defined by the constitution, sponsoring organization or Louisiana High School Athletic Association.  In addition:


    1. No student shall be allowed to miss any class in which the student is presently failing.

    2. All students with less than eighteen (18) units toward graduation must be enrolled in at least five (5) subjects with a grade point average of 1.5 or better.  Students participating in Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA) athletics shall meet the requirements of the LHSAA.


  1. Student interest level must be adequate for a club to organize.

  2. An application for club formation must be submitted to the principal for consideration.

  3. Parental authorization shall be necessary for student participation.

  4. All school clubs shall have a purpose acceptable in society.

  5. No club may exist that could lead to violence, school disturbance, unlawful activity, or the creation of hate groups.

  6. No club may exist that could lead to formation of a non-traditional opposition club.

  7. No secret clubs, fraternities, or sororities shall be permitted.

  8. All extracurricular clubs or organizations must have a faculty sponsor, coach, or director.

  9. All students participating in extracurricular activities must have adequate medical insurance.




The athletic program at the middle and high school levels shall consist of all sports offered at competing schools where there is sufficient student interest and available resources.  There shall be no organized competitive athletic program at the elementary school level.  Elementary school health and physical education shall be offered to meet the minimum weekly time requirements as programs mandated by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE).  Athletic programs shall not infringe on the instructional time requirements during the school day.




All non-academic and extracurricular services and activities shall be offered to all exceptional students in a manner that allows them equal opportunity to participate in services and activities.


Revised:  May, 2013

Revised:  May 3, 2016



Ref:    20 USC 6801 (Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students)

20 USC 7401 (Indian Education)

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 17:176, 17:2091, 17:2092, 17:2093

Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education

Official Handbook, Louisiana High School Athletic Association

Board minutes, 4-4-00, 6-6-00, 9-5-00, 5-3-16


City of Baker School Board