FILE:  E-1.2b

Cf:  H-3.2





The City of Baker School Board welcomes and encourages parents and other school patrons to visit the schools at appropriate times.  Programs may be planned throughout each school year to provide opportunity for visits to the schools.


Principals shall be responsible for establishing procedures that ensure the proper protection of instructional time and the welfare of the students and employees.  In accordance with state law, no person is allowed on school grounds or in school buildings or facilities without authorization from the appropriate school official.  Therefore, all visitors shall report to the principal's office immediately upon coming onto school grounds for their visit.  Office personnel, principal, counselor, etc., shall be made aware of the purpose of the visit.  If at all possible, all visits should be pre-arranged.  Principals are authorized to take the necessary steps in dealing with unauthorized visitors.


The School Board, in accordance with state law, shall authorize principals, school administrators, or school security guards to search the person, and any item in the possession of a person who is not a student enrolled in school, or any school employee, while in or on any school property.  The search may be conducted at random with a metal detector, or physically when there is reasonable suspicion that such person has any weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, stolen goods, or other materials which violate School Board policy.




  1. Parent(s) or guardian(s) must request visitation by phone call at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the visitation (with the understanding that no more than two parent(s) or guardian (s) are allowed to participate in a classroom visitation at one time).  The teacher must inform the principal of the scheduled visitation.

  2. Visits shall not exceed sixty (60) minutes of silent observation in areas in which children are receiving instruction.

  3. Only parent(s) and guardian(s) listed as such on student records will be allowed to request a classroom visitation.  Before visitation begins each parent(s) or guardian(s) will be required to show proper identification consisting of a current Louisiana State Identification card or current Louisiana State Driver's License or a current out-of-state driver's license.

  4. In the event there is more than one scheduled classroom visitation on any given day the principal may limit the timing or duration of visits based on the type and intensity of planned instruction, the number of scheduled visitations in a specified classroom on the same day, the total amount of traffic in and out of the classroom setting and the total amount of traffic on the school campus.

  5. Visitors shall refrain from conversation and from interaction with children and staff during the period of classroom observation.  All questions and concerns should be addressed to the principal by the parent(s) or guardian (s).

  6. District staff will not share with any visitor personally-identifiable information concerning any student other than the student who is the subject of the observation.

  7. All visitors, to include unscheduled visits to the school campus, must report to the school office, present proper identification (as stated in # 3), sign-in and obtain a visitor's pass which must be worn for the duration of the visit.

  8. During unscheduled visits parent(s) or guardian(s) shall refrain from conversation and from any interaction with children other than the student who is the subject of the visit.

  9. At the conclusion of the visit or classroom visitation, visitors must return to the office, sign-out and return the visitor's pass before leaving the school grounds.

  10. Each school building shall post in its main entrance, a notice that requires all visitors to report directly to the school office during school hours.

  11. Visiting parent(s) or guardian(s) shall not use either still or video cameras (including any device used to record audio or capture video footage, including but not limited to tape recorders, cell phone devices, etc.).

  12. Visiting parent(s) or guardian(s) shall not consume food or beverage during classroom visitation.

  13. Visiting parent(s) or guardian (s) shall be required to comport themselves in accordance with these procedures and shall refrain from any behavior that is inconsistent with the policies and procedures relative to acceptable conduct during classroom visitations.

  14. Only those parent(s) or guardian(s) that have completed volunteer training, acquired a successful background check and drug screening will be allowed to stay on school grounds, on a daily basis, the duration of the academic day.  (Refer to Volunteer Handbook).


Revised:  March 6, 2012



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:416.6, 17:416.10

Board minutes, 3-6-12


City of Baker School Board