FILE:  D-7.1

Cf:  B-6, D-5, D-7.4b







The President and the Superintendent, as treasurer, or such other officers or persons as the City of Baker School Board so designates, shall be authorized to review all expenditures and sign all checks of the School Board.  The President and Superintendent, as treasurer, shall also be authorized to use a check-signing machine or other similar mechanical device for facsimile signatures in signing any or all checks issued by the School Board and requiring the signature of either or both of these officers.


The Superintendent shall establish and maintain appropriate procedures for assuring the proper issuance of all checks.  The machine for facsimile signatures shall be locked at all times except when in use.




Contracts obligating the Board or school district shall be countersigned by the President of the School Board, the Superintendent, and/or appropriate personnel.  Any person purporting to enter into any contract on behalf of the School Board, school district, or any school under the School Board’s jurisdiction, including but not limited to contracts with vendors or contracts of membership in any private or quasi-public entity, shall do so in compliance with policies adopted by the School Board and administrative procedures in effect at the time the contract is executed.




The School Board directs that only authorized school employees shall sign bills, invoices, or statements in accordance with pertinent accounting procedures.




The Superintendent shall sign each teacher contract.




The School Board authorizes principals, with the approval of the Superintendent, to open bank accounts for their schools and related clubs and organizations.  The use of checking accounts at schools shall be in accordance with appropriate accounting regulations and procedures maintained by the Superintendent or his/her designee.


The Superintendent shall be given authority to make changes on school checking accounts as each school principal or school administrator changes, or at any other time deemed necessary, without the necessity of any additional resolution being adopted by the School Board.  School Board personnel shall monitor the appropriateness of each checking account and shall be authorized to recommend to the Superintendent the closure of any account deemed necessary.


Revised:  July 25, 2018



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:83, 17:97

Board minutes, 7-25-18


City of Baker School District